The Beardo Beard Hats Story

Our mission is to provide a hassle-free, warm product of the highest quality to all customers.
Beardo beard hats are the brainchild of Jeff Phillips, a Canadian-born winter enthusiast who has a passion for snowboarding. Jeff has been chasing perfect powder runs all around the globe and came up with the first make-shift Beardo in Whistler, B.C while at the Blackcomb mountain summit, at 7th heaven. Though this very first prototype was made using an old knit scarf and far from perfect, it has been severely refined (not thanks to Jeff's horrible knitting skills!) to the innovative and fully patented design that you see today.
Once the first few Beard hat designs were put out to the public, we really didn’t know what to expect, but the response said it all. They were very quickly picked up by a range of people, not just skiers and snowboarders, as originally thought. As the design started gaining some recognition and press, more and more people became interested and even outdoor workers started using them on the job!
Our goal is to keep Beardowear current and fresh by continually launching new, innovative products, while providing top quality customer service. The rest of the story will have to write itself. Stay tuned… Keep the sand between your toes and the snow off your face.
Some of our Customer Feedback
UFC Fighter Mac Danzig said: "This may be the coolest piece of headwear I've ever seen" ... then he sent us a wicked photo!
Canadian icon George Stroumboulopoulos said: "Love Canada. Hate Canadian winters. Then this comes along to make them a little better". Read his article by clicking on his name.
Dave Burton said "I received the package yesterday, and my 19-yo son *loves* the Beardo! I very much appreciate your prompt response and concern, and especially the 'beardo card' attachment! It is a quality toque and your customer service is second to none!"
Kaity Rowcroft recorded a Beardo Youtube video
Chelsea Nyland said: "My girl friend is actually going to be buying one for her boyfriend for Christmas because she was so impressed with both the quality of the hat and with the customer service you have offered to me. I would love another grey one, and thank you again very, very much. I am going to be recommending this product over and over again because never have I been so impressed with such personal care from a company"

Where do we go from here?

The future is unwritten for the Beardo Brand... it is an exciting time for us and we are continually looking for new opportunities as well as great adventures! One thing is for certain though, we are continually designing NEW, trendy and functional products for use in the great outdoors!
It is still the early years for Beardo and we understand that to be the best you must employ the best. We couldn't have gotten where we are today without the great people that we work with. People like Tom Archer who is one of the most influential portrait photographers in the UK.
Of course the most important people to us are the Beardo fans! Without your great word of mouth and sharing, we would still be in the basement! Thanks all, and we hope you enjoy the ride along with us!
We are also looking to sponsor some individuals this year who can mesh well with the Beardo brand. Pay attention to the contests page for updates and dates.